Center for Sacred Ecology
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“A healer’s power stems not from any special ability, but from maintaining the courage and awareness to embody and express the universal healing power that every human being naturally possesses.”
― Eric Michael Leventhal

Join our next small group Reiki level 1 & 2 certification courses: April 12-14 // May 20-22

Reiki Master Teacher Training series: please inquire!

* Custom-crafted, private Reiki study & training also available ~ please inquire *

Reiki Training & Certification in Costa Rica

costa rica reiki training and certificationLearn Reiki in one of the most magnificent settings on Earth. Nestled in the heart of the Monteverde mountains, our Reiki courses are always infused with grounded instruction, clear guidance and close mentoring. Your Reiki learning experience in this peaceful mountaintop community will lead you to a greater sense of wellness, connection, and wholeness that will ripple through your personal and professional life. Our world is very much in need of its healers to activate, and I offer heartfelt gratitude as you consider answering this call of service.

A subtle but incredibly profound therapy, Reiki is one of the most important in my professional and personal tool kit. I invite you to learn why below.

2025 Reiki Training  Certification Options in Monteverde, Costa Rica

~ Join one of our next small group Reiki level 1 & 2 certification courses: // April 12-14, 2025

~ Join our next Reiki Master Practitioner & Teacher course ~ May 20-23, 2025

~ Private Reiki study & mentoring available ~ 

Click to open the reiki training(s) that interest you:

Reiki Level 1. Shoden : First Teachings

reiki training and certificationReiki training Level 1 is where everyone begins, even those on a professional path. An important foundational course on many levels, it introduces and opens you to Universal life force energy. During this day-long immersion course, you will learn techniques  to connect with (and maintain your connection with) Reiki. If your journey includes an authentic desire to feel greater inner balance, vitality and harmony using Reiki as a tool, you are in the right place. Your Reiki practice at this level is primarily for you and your loved ones – children, pets, plants and gardens included!

The core components of the Reiki Training Course with First Degree certification include:

  • Principles of Energy Medicine
  • The Reiki path and its 5 Precepts
  • Cultivating Healing Touch
  • Ethics and Boundaries
  • Guided Meditation
  • Reiki 1 Attunement
  • Practice: Self-Treatment & Treating Others
  • Mentoring and Hands-on Treatments: Offering Sessions to Loved Ones

Your investment in this Reiki level one workshop includes all of the above, plus…

  • A hands-on Reiki treatment by me
  • Reiki 1 handbook to guide your home practice
  • Internationally recognized certificate of completion (necessary to progress to Reiki Level 2, with me or any other Reiki Master teacher).

Investment: starting at $275, please see learning platform options below.

Reiki Level 2. Okuden : Inner Teachings

This level of Reiki training is truly meant for practitioners who felt like their Level 1 experience was a “coming home” and would like to expand their study and further their practice. With Reiki Level 2, you learn to offer distant, non-touch Reiki treatments, as well as specific techniques to enhance your hands-on Reiki healing sessions with others. You will also learn tools to take your personal Reiki practice much deeper. Level 2 practitioners are often recognized as Reiki professionals and may charge for their services in many areas, depending upon licensing requirements.

Prerequisite: Reiki Training Level 1.

Reiki Training Certification Costa Rica
The core components of the Reiki Training Course for Second Degree certification include:

  • Reiki Level 1 review:  Physical body and Self-Healing
  • Reiki Level 2:  Mental and Emotional body
  • Reiki Symbols : Meaning, Use & activation
  • Guided meditation & Reiki Level 2 Attunement
  • Practice w/ Reiki Symbols and Distance Healing – past, present, future
  • Ethics and Boundaries
  • Reiki Treatments: How to Conduct a professional hands-on and distance Reiki Session
  • Mentoring: How to Integrate Reiki 2 into your professional healing arts or home practice

Your investment in this class includes the above, plus…

  • Distance Reiki session prior to your arrival for Reiki 2 course
  • Reiki Level 2 handbook to guide you in your personal and professional practice
  • Internationally recognized certificate of completion (necessary to progress to Advanced courses, including Reiki Master Practitioner / Teacher, with me or any other Reiki instructor).

Investment: starting at $275, please see learning platform options below.

Reiki Master Practitioner / Teacher (Levels 3/4) : Shinpiden : Mystery Teachings

mountain 450 by 300If you have completed Reiki First and Second Degree coursework and have an authentic interest to deepen and expand your practice to the Reiki Master Practitioner / Reiki Master Teacher level, let’s connect! It has been my joy and honor to welcome and mentor Reiki-master students from around the globe to Monteverde.

My Reiki Master course series is typically  set up as a 4-5 day private or small group custom-crafted healing + learning retreat for practitioners who are called to take their practice to the next level.  My time and attention are completely yours in this 24-hour contact course course, which is infused with crystal-clear mentoring designed to support you and fortify your unique learning and professional goals. You will also have the opportunity to meet and work with local Reiki practitioners and attend a Reiki Circle, something all of my students find both inspiring and nourishing!

The offering of personalized Reiki master instruction is rarely encountered in Reiki training programs, and my Reiki Master students also receive 9 months of mentoring as needed after their presence-based coursework.  Please contact me here – let’s explore the possibilities of walking your gifts deeper into the world! They are so needed right now.

Reiki Refresher

A unique and purposeful half-day retreat to re-engage with your Level 1 + 2 learnings. This 3.5-hour one-on-one workshop has been designed for those who have previously studied Reiki, but feel the need to refresh their knowledge and practice of the First or Second Levels. This carefully-crafted morning or afternoon retreat will always be custom designed for YOU and your needs, providing you with a focused opportunity to ask questions, receive clarity and participate in valuable hands-on practice time with side-by-side mentoring. Includes tea & snacks!

Prerequisite: Please provide prior Level 1 or 2 certification to determine eligibility for the Reiki Refresher.
Investment: $195. As a bonus you will receive a hands-on Reiki treatment from me and attunement!

There are honestly no words that can express my recent, abundant and vitalizing journey during my Reiki 1 and 2 courses with Karen in the beautiful Monteverde Forest.

Embraced by the soothing clouds and the native plant allies that accompany her garden space where we completed most of our work together, nearby her studio that is cozy and inviting, both areas presenting the perfect womb-like environment to familiarize with the ancient healing knowledge of our ancestors.

Karen is a vision, a glowing being of light that holds such a sacred space for learning, growing, creating and transforming. It was an honor to be in her presence and to experience her means of knowledgable teaching, where she held us in a safe container of pure love and light. From the depths of my heart, mind, body and soul, THANK YOU Karen for the retuning and for helping me remember what I needed to know.

Alyssa C
Humboldt, CA, USA

Choose your Reiki Certification Training Format

One-Size Fits All is NOT an option at Revive Healing Arts! I value both your time and how YOU are called to study, which is why I offer a variety of course platforms from which to choose. With each option I provide fresh, locally-sourced and crafted in-season snacks & tea!

Option #1
Reiki Retreat
5 days, 4 nightsredleaf

Immersed in Monteverde’s magnificent tropical cloud forest, you will dive deep into the study and practice of Reiki.

This is a powerful opportunity for those who would like to explore Advanced studies, becoming a Reiki Master Practitioner and/or Reiki Master Teacher, or for those who would like to receive both Reiki First and Second Degree attunements and certifications during a single, healing visit to Monteverde. There is no better place to do this - learn why here. This option is truly designed as a retreat, whereby you both study and enjoy the benefit of time for integration and a personalized healing session with Karen.  Available as a private option, semi-private with a friend (if you are studying the same level) or as a small group that you organize (4-6 people max). Please fill out the form below to receive the juicy details!

“In the beginning we might feel Reiki (spiritual energy) coming out of our hands when we practice the system of Reiki, but with persistent practice we will feel Reiki coming out of our whole being. At this stage of our practice, we realize that the hands in our practice are only the tip of the iceberg.” – Frans Stiene

Option #2
Private Training = You + Mepurpleleaf

The most requested Reiki learning format at Revive Healing Arts.

Private classes are a good fit if you value a custom-crafted one-on-one learning environment with deep mentoring. Your course will provide you with a solid foundation in Reiki and will also take into consideration your unique background, needs, and desires as a practitioner.

My time and attention are completely yours - I meet you where you are, and we will dive as deep as you'd like.

During your Reiki training, you may also have the opportunity to practice with one of my many local Monteverde Reiki apprentices, and will receive close mentoring and feedback during our day together. In addition, you will receive post-course follow-up from me. This personalized option is rarely encountered elsewhere in Reiki education, which is why the majority of my students prefer this platform.

During our day together - which we will schedule based on your unique travel dates - you will also delight in a personalized guided meditation session and receive an annointing of pure, therapeutic grade essential oils to prepare you for your Reiki attunement and will have the opportunity for plenty of closely mentored hands-on practice.

Investment: $395usd for your private, custom-crafted Reiki certification course. Includes tuition, lunch, tea + snacks, a guidebook for your level, internationally recognized certification, gifts to support your home practice and post-course follow up from me. 

Special offer ~ Save by enrolling in Reiki levels 1 & 2 together for a total investment of $695usd!

Option #3
Small Group Option (2-8 students)

This is an excellent option if you value the opportunity to learn, practice, share and receive Reiki in a small group, in addition to receiving close attention, mentoring and feedback from me.

Investment includes instruction & mentoring, digital guidebook for your level, internationally recognized certification, gifts to support your home practice and post-course follow-up from me.

Special offer: Save by enrolling in both Reiki levels 1 & 2 together via a small group.   Please inquire about the small group schedule here, or about creating your own customized small group.

Receiving private Reiki training in Monteverde, Costa Rica was an absolutely divine way to integrate my travel experiences in South and Central America.

In my three days of training I received so much clarity, and remembered how to live every day to its potential. I also came to understand the magic and healing power of presence. I was shown infinite reassurance and love for the boundlessness of this existence, and the potential in this lifetime for healing ourselves and the earth.

London, England

private reiki training retreat

Why I Love Reiki

The Reiki system was developed in the early 20th century by Dr. Mikao Usui, a scholar and spiritual seeker, and was brought to the West close to 90 years ago. Increasing acceptance and use in hospitals, birth centers, hospice services and wellness / retreat centers has made Reiki one of the most in-demand healing modalities in North America and across the world.

The best part? Reiki is for EVERYONE. Reiki is easy to learn and easy to practice, regardless of your age, personal, or professional background – anyone can learn to use Reiki to restore balance and bring a greater sense of well-being to their lives, and to the lives of others. You will be so glad you learned - and so will your family and community!
It’s all about balance.

The benefits of Reiki are well documented by Reiki practitioners, as well as by scientific research:

  • reduces mental and physical stress
  • strengthens the immune system
  • eases physical pain and discomfort
  • balances and harmonizes emotions
  • enhances mental clarity and creativity
  • facilitates personal and spiritual growth

Interested in what research has found regarding Reiki?

Read this Integrative Review of Reiki Touch Therapy Research, published by the peer-reviewed, academic journal Holistic Nursing Practice
Or perhaps you’d enjoy this article published by UCLA: Reiki Really Works: A Groundbreaking Scientific Study
What does "mainstream" news reporting say about Reiki? An article in U.S. News & World Report spells it out.

She crafts an experience that is expansive in mind, body, and spirit…

I came to Revive Healing Arts to receive Reiki Level 1 and 2 training but received much, much more. Karen is a fantastic teacher in the craft of Reiki and a true guide. I left her training not only feeling prepared to offer Reiki to others but also empowered to heal elements of my own life.

Sarah S.
Forth Worth, TX, USA
reiki training and certification
Reiki is love
Love is wholeness
Wholeness is balance
Balance is well-being
Well-Being is freedom from disease
Remember these words, they represent what is Reiki
- Dr. Mikao Usui

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